
Feature Launch: Single Sign-On (SSO) for Rebrandly

5 min read
Last edited: May 30, 2024

It’s tricky enough to remember a growing list of personal passwords for your favorite apps, sites, and services. But when you add corporate security protocols and authentication requirements to the mix—keeping up with login credentials becomes downright daunting.

Did you know that employees typically spend over 10 hours resetting passwords yearly? On top of that, data from Gartner shows that 40% of all help desk calls stem from password issues.

Think about how a simple, secure sign-on process could improve productivity and profitability. If you’re tired of juggling multiple passwords and wasting resources on manual resets, that’s exactly where SSO comes in.

What is single sign-on (SSO)?

Single sign-on (SSO) is an authentication process that allows users to access more than one platform or application with a single set of credentials. SSO eliminates the hassle of maintaining dozens of passwords for common applications, all while providing an added layer of security and identity verification.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) sheds light on the importance of SSO in a world where every digital access point matters:

Given that users today frequently access applications directly from their browsers, organizations are prioritizing access management strategies that improve both security and the user experience. SSO delivers both aspects, as users can access all password-protected resources without repeated logins once their identity is validated.

There are also different variations of SSO based on industry and use case. For instance, social SSO lets users access third-party applications using credentials from platforms like Facebook. 

On the other hand, enterprise single sign-on (eSSO) allows corporate employees to access all organizational applications with a single click. 

How to enable SSO with Rebrandly

Security Assertion Markup Language, or SAML, is an open standard used for authentication. If you already have a SAML 2.0-based SSO set up and Professional plan with SSO bundle (or above), you can require users to log into Rebrandly using their SSO credentials. Terms and conditions apply. 

Fortunately, SSO only takes a few minutes to set up! Learn how by following the steps below or checking out the demo video.

  • Log in to your Rebrandly dashboard. From your Account tab, click Set Up SSO. (If you don’t see this option, you may need to upgrade your account.)
  • Set up single sign-on with key details. Rebrandly will prompt you to enter your integration name (the name of the SSO configuration often provided by your IT or security department), metadata URL, and entity ID.
  • Next, the system will provide an ACS (Assertion Consumer Service) URL. Copy the ACS URL for your identity provider. Then click Add domain.
  • Then, enter your domain name in order to start managing SSO access.

SSO with Rebrandly

  • As you move through the setup steps, you’ll be able to set the role and workspace for your domain. You can also toggle between access levels, including Administrator, User, or Guest.

You’re all set! Once you’ve completed the steps, you’ll see a green check with the success message “SSO domain created.” You can continue to add new domains for your team. You can now sign in to Rebrandly via SSO!


Which Rebrandly plans include SSO?

SSO is available starting from the Professional plan when you buy the SSO bundle. The Professional Plan includes a 14-day free trial for you to test and explore time-saving features like SSO.  

If you’re currently on a lower tier plan (Get Started or Essentials), upgrade to Premium today! You’ll gain access to SSO, increased link limits, teammates, workspaces, custom reports, and more!

What are the benefits of using single sign-on?

There are lots of great ways to use and leverage SSO for your business processes and workflow goals. Here are just a few of the ways Rebrandly customers leverage this feature:

  • Simpler workflow. With one set of credentials, you’ll never have to juggle logins or tedious password resets for each separate platform.
  • Enhanced security. Strengthen your team’s identity protection and access levels with a centralized authentication process.
  • More productivity. Streamline access for everyone who needs it, and help your team members focus on more of what matters most.
  • Seamless integration: SSO is easy to implement for any size business or enterprise.
  • Lower IT costs: Reduce the number of IT help desk calls about passwords thanks to a single sign-on process.
  • Better administrative control: All network management information is stored in a single repository, which gives owners and admins more visibility.

“On a 1-10 importance scale, SSO is definitely a 10. Okta requires that all business tools be set up with SSO. Price doesn’t matter. The value and the risk make it a must-have, a non-negotiable.” —Dev Ops, Okta

What’s next?

If you have any questions about how to use Single sign-on with Rebrandly, we’re ready to help!  

Book a demo with our team or upgrade your plan today to gain access to more incredible Rebrandly features that help your brand grow.