Link Management

Zapier and Rebrandly: 8 Zaps For Custom Short URLs

7 min read
Last edited: Oct 15, 2023

If you’re not familiar with Zapier, you are seriously missing out!

Zapier allows you to connect your various different applications and tools so an action in one triggers a response in another. These mini-integrations are known as zaps. For example, you can create a zap for WordPress and Facebook, so when a new blog post is created in WordPress it automatically posts the finished blog to Facebook. Or when your Instagram page is tagged in a post by a follower, you can save that post to Dropbox automatically.

It’s a great way to automate some of the tasks that take up time in your day. The good news is that you can also use Zapier with Rebrandly to carry out different actions with your branded links. Zapier have put together a great article detailing what you need to do to connect Zapier and Rebrandly but we took a deeper look at 8 different ways you can use Zapier with Rebrandly. We’ve detailed what each zap means and given some use cases for how they might help you speed up your marketing processes to get some time back in your day.

8 Ways To Use Rebrandly and Zapier

1. Automatically add branded links to Buffer

With this zap, each time you create a branded link in Rebrandly it will be shared automatically on Buffer. No more manual scheduling!

It’s a very simple zap to set up: you just select the social account that you would like the branded link to be shared on and then decide how you’d like your message and link to be shared- whether it’s the page title, description or a custom message.

Use case: Each time you publish a blog post, your next step is likely to promote it on social media. Now there’s no need to go adding this to your Buffer queue. It will be added like magic once your branded link is created.

2. Send a Gmail email whenever a branded link reaches a certain number of clicks

Rebrandly and Gmail Zapier integration

Click tracking is one of the key features of Rebrandly. With this zap you can automate an email to be sent to yourself, a teammate or your manager, informing you and your team when your link reaches a certain number of clicks.

Use Case: 
You’ve shared a branded link and your goal is to get 100 clicks. With this zap, once you reach that number you can automatically send an email to yourself that lets you know this goal has been reached. You can then continue to allow this link to accumulate clicks or change its destination to drive traffic to another part of your website.

3. Get a Slack notification whenever a branded link reaches a certain number of clicks

custom short link slackIf you prefer to receive this notification through Slack rather than email you can follow the exact same process as zap number 2- but instead, receive a Slack message when your branded link receives a certain number of clicks. Don’t forget to include a link to your Rebrandly dashboard in the automated message and you can quickly access your dashboard to make changes to the link if needed.

Use Case: You’ve been promoting your branded link and want to track its performance over time. Send yourself a notification once the link reaches 100 clicks and edit the zap to let you know once it reaches 200. (Or alternatively, set up multiple zaps!)

4. Create custom short links from an RSS feed

Custom RSS linkWhenever you update your blog its RSS feed is also updated, which can then be used to send email updates for your blog. With this zap, each time you publish a new blog post and your RSS feed is updated a branded link will be created and added to your Rebrandly dashboard. This link can then be shared wherever you like.

Use Cases: You’ve published a new blog post and your next move is to promote this post on social media, through email, in forums, anywhere you can. You can quickly grab your branded link from the Rebrandly dashboard for quick and easy sharing.

5. Create Custom URL for new Dropbox files

Dropbox makes sharing files very easy. At Rebrandly, we use Dropbox to share images, PDFs, and documents with our internal team as well as external partners. With this zap, automatically create a custom short links for each file that’s added to your Dropbox.

You can easily grab the link for your Dropbox files directly from your Rebrandly dashboard and even edit their destination if you share the wrong custom link by accident.

Use Case: When you want to share a Dropbox file with a client, prospect or customer, take the custom URL that was created automatically when you added the file to Dropbox right out of your Rebrandly dashboard. You can even track the number of clicks each link receives to let you know when your recipient has viewed it.

6. Add your most popular branded links to MeetEdgar for re-sharing

Custom short URL MeetEdgar MeetEdgar is a social media management tool that allows you to share content across all of your social media channels. MeetEdgar gives you the option to select a custom domain for sharing branded links through their Rebrandly integration however with Zapier you can take this one step further and automatically add high performing branded links to your content library for easy sharing.

You can set a number of clicks for specific links within Zapier and once your custom short link has reached this number it will be added to your content library.

Use Cases: If you’re constantly looking for content to share through MeetEdgar or other similar social scheduling tools, you no longer need to manually add posts in. Your high performing posts will automatically be added to your content library.

7. Automatically share branded short links on Facebook

Custom short link FacebookShare new custom short links on Facebook every time you create them with Rebrandly. Within Zapier you can set a custom message or simply share the destination page’s title along with your branded link. This zap becomes especially powerful when used with our automatic link detection feature, which allows you to create branded links directly in the rich text box on a number of different websites.

Use Cases: If you’re sharing links on social media you can paste a regular URL into the rich text box when creating a new post and use our automatic link detection feature to create a custom short link with just one click. With this zap, your branded link will be automatically posted to Facebook at the same time.

8. Automatically share branded links through Social Pilot

SocialPilot Custom short link SocialPilot also integrates with Rebrandly allowing you to use your own domain to create custom short links for each of your social media posts. But this process can be made even more straight forward with a zap. Each branded link you create will be shared via SocialPilot using the message that you’ve set in zapier or you can opt to share information like page title or description from your link destination.

Use Cases: Within Zapier, select all your social media accounts. Each time you publish a blog post you can also create a branded link through the Rebrandly browser extension. Your link will be shared across each one of your social media channels- saving you a ton of time promoting your article!

But Wait, There’s More!

These are just some of the ways that Rebrandly and Zapier can be used together to automate tasks and help you save time creating and sharing links. You can check out the full list of integrations between Rebrandly and Zapier to find even more ways to speed up some of the things you do every day between apps.

Do you use Zapier? Let us know in the comments how you use Zapier to automate daily tasks.

Further Reading:

This Article Is About:

  • Rebrandly and Zapier
  • Automatic Custom Short Links
  • Dropbox Custom URL
  • Custom RSS Feed URL



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